The day started as great as it could start. I woke up to a breakfast and Praise and Worship. Like the night before our spirits flowed and I received the comfort and warmth I can only explain as Agape. For me this week has been amazing and way more than amazing. Afterwards we came and we discussed Sheltering the Homeless. We talked how we're all temples and tabernacles. I think of sheltering as building friendships with each other. Since we're all tabernacles holding God, by growing closer to our friends we grow closer to God. We watched a documentary on Migrant Workers. It was about three kids' lives. One of them was 12 years old, she started working since she was 7 years old in the farms. Her family has to wake up everyday around 5:30 am to start working. They also have to go to different places to work for more money because they never get enough money for the whole family. Another one of the kids had to wake up around 5:30 or 6 in the morning to work. Even though his family didn't ever ask for his help he still sacrificed his childhood to earn money for his family. The last girl had two sisters still in Mexico and her family was trying hard to bring them to America. She had a dream to become a lawyer to help all the people who live lives like hers. She fell behind in school because she had to work. Being our celebratory day we got to go swiming at the pool for 2 hours. It was really fun hanging out with everyone. And after the pool we went to sunrise camp for the bardque and to play with the kids. And at the end of the day in sunrise we had to say goodbye to our buddies. It was really sad and happy too untill we could see them again next year hopely. Afterwares we went back to the church we went back to the circle and talked about sheltering the homeless and we did refeclftion questions. the day was really fun and hopely we get to come back next year.
-Amanda and Brandon
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