Friday, July 22, 2016

Week 4: St. Anthony's & Sacred Heart Bellingham- Thursday

Today was interesting, both of us can vouch for that. It started off pretty normally, (we personally woke up later than everyone else, per usual) we ate breakfast, and had reflection. Then we watched a documentary about migrant workers especially about kids our age working out in the fields. Afterwards we went to mass at Assumption Parish. Their parish was really pretty and most of the St. Anthony Youth Group lit candles for family, friends, or issues that they are passionate about. Afterwards we came back to the Hall and ate lunch and then went swimming. After swimming we went back to the migrant camps and played with the children and had a bbq. We came home and reflected on our week and how we can take this experience back with us. Then we had an ice cream party and danced to some music. 

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