Thursday, July 21, 2016

Week 4: Sacred Heart Bellingham and St. Anthony's - Wednesday

Day 4

Food bank day! Today was all about the corporal work of mercy "Clothing the Naked." We started the day collecting and transporting supplies for the food bank. All hands were on deck every step of the way, from pushing carts around stores to setting up all the tables and food. At the food bank, everyone worked together to set up each and every station no matter what station they focused on for the rest of the day. There were no assigned stations but everyone stuck with a task. The families we served all had a smile despite the long day of work they had endured. Stations included food, hygiene, clothing, toys, fresh produce, and baby products. "Clothing the Naked" manifested itself by showing the migrants respect and understanding; they all have dignity and are made in God's image. One of the people from the migrant camp we are working with, Alma, showed up at our food bank with the biggest smile on her face. She brings light to any situation and has the ability to make anyone feel special. At the end of the day, everyone took on a job packing and tearing down. Everyone supported each other and used teamwork to contribute to ensuring we finished efficiently and as a community and a family. After the end of today, everyone shared their experiences and provided insight about what we could improve on, specifically the food and hygiene. Today was about sharing dignity of the migrants.

God Bless :)
And it was fun!

Cristina, Joshua, Anthony
St. Anthony

P.S. We served 111 families yesterday at the Food Bank! Thank you to everyone who helped serve or donate. The families were so thankful! We are excited to serve again next week!

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