Today we woke up to eat breakfast, and to do a morning activity. About half of us kids got red wristbands, but didn't know what it symbolized, or what it had meant. I didn't get a wrist band. we went outside, and there was a "spider-web" made of yarn set up for us to go through. The rules were that we had to go though the "web" without touching any of the "webbing", if we do touch the webbing, then we had to go to the back of the line and do it over again. The people with the wrist bands got a harder time going though the web, and the people without the web had an easier time with going though. Do you see the theme so far? If not, I'll tell you about the rest. After the activity, the wristbands and the non-wristbands got separated into their groups. The non-wrist bands got to do the photo-scavenger hunt, and the wristbands group had to go and clean up the area, and neither knew what the other group was doing. Well the people with the wristbands symbolized as the migrant workers, who didn't choose their way of life and have no say in how they want to live, and the non-wristbands symbolized as the regular people you see who are born with a good life. After we visited the migrant kids and played with them, which was really fun. Ten we went to the grocery stores to do some tabling. I thought it was nice to meet such nice and generous people willing to donate to the food bank, there were some people who ignored us and avoided us too. But overall it was a good day.
Jasmine: Assumption
In today's morning activities we focused on privileges and it really hit me that we should be thankful for the privileges we have and that we shouldn't take what we have for granted. For example, in one of our activities we were seperated in to two groups. One group having red wristbands and another with no wristbands. While those with no wristbands stayed outside and had a scavenger hunt, those with wristbands had to prepare lunch for us and also had to prepare lunch for themselves. After hearing that they had to work hard, while those with no wristbands got to have fun outside, I felt that it was really unfair for the those with wristbands. That just because of one little thing, such as a wristband, they were treated differently. After this realization about privileges I feel that we should be very thankful for every privilege that we have and not take what we have for granted.
- Kaitlyn: St.Anthony's
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