Today is Tuesday the 26th. Our group spent the day trying to get glimpse of what it feels like to be a migrant through migrant immersion day.
We woke up at 5:00 and traveled to farms to begin our day as "migrant". After a short introduction with the farm owners, and a quick familiarization with the different kinds of plants we'd be picking, we shortly got to work. It was a very, VERY, grueling day. The first group spent the day collecting blueberries and cleaning buckets. However, even these simple tasks can become grueling under the hot sun. The second group had it much harder than the first. They had to collect manure and spread it into the ground for compost. This group also spent the day picking tomatoes and pulling weeds.
The Agape group then moved on to the YMCA to shower, as you can probably tell, we needed it. After we showered we moved on to our next activity at Grocery Outlet Bargain Market. We were split into small groups or "families" and were paid for our labors, but even with 4-5 people in a group we were only paid $4-5. This created some friction within the families as to what they should spend their small dividend on. Many families resorted to pasta such as Top Ramen, while as others shifted towards egg dishes. Next, Agape came back to the church and enjoyed our hard earned meals.
Finally, we all met at Sunrise Camp- a migrant community. We handed out fliers there for the incoming food bank, and then later spent a few hours playing with the migrant children.

We are all now getting ready for bed. We are tired, but still full filled. See you tomorrow at the food bank!