The mission trip activities continued today as we filled our "Celebratrion" day with fun and spiritual events! After breakfast we kicked off the day with our regular prayer reflection then we watched a touching documentary about Migrants and their journey. As a reflection for our documentary we created a poster about the film. It included a list of what suprised us, what personal actions we could do to make the situation better, and finally what we would ask of a political representative. Then we headed to a beautiful mass at Assumption Catholic Church where we listened to a great Homily. Next we headed to the community pool for some fun and games, and in my case reading. Then we headed to Sunrise camp where we played and interacted with the children and families there. We also had a delicious dinner (BBQ) and some popcicles combined with more playing. Then we headed back to the parish hall for our nightly reflections and our surprise ice cream party/talent show! Me and my fellow Agape-ers are sad to be leaving tomorrow morning, however are grateful for the new bonds we made, the new insight we gained, and the opportunity to strengthen our relationships with God!
Charlotte and Maria
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