Monday, July 24, 2017

Week 5: Holy Redeemer - Monday


today at a agape i went to the a cool farm. were a meant a lot of new friends and we played a lot of cool games . then after that were went to a store to do a food drive which was fun and we got a lot of people to raise a lot of food.

Agape.  Sacrificial love.  Giving up what I want for the needs or wants of others.  Today, in addition to prayer, relationship-building games, and food activities we had the opportunity to play with the kids at a migrant camp.  The joy that they had combined with the love that they showed for each other and for us was inspiring.  It was important for us to be there for them, to be present in the moment to give back to them all that they were giving us.  I struggled with not being present, with wanting to do what I wanted to do.  I needed to focus on them and do what they wanted to do.  It made me feel good to serve them in this way.  To give up what I want to make them happy and for God's glory made me happy, too.  God bless you!

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