Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week Two: Tuesday

Today we started out with planning games and activities to do with the kids at the camp barbecue. When that was completed we watched a migrant's journey movie. It was very eye opening when talking about how many migrants come over to the US and how many die on the journey. It's humbling to see how hard they are willing to work for their family. Once the movie was finished we went to a pool to swim. It was a good day!

-Sacred Heart Enumclaw

In order to truly serve, it is especially important to strive to see God in everything around us. This is why Wonder and Awe, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is essential to reflect upon during this service experience. The Agape Service Project is about loving God, loving those whom we are serving and striving to see Him in each and every interaction.

Today was our second opportunity to visit the migrant camp, play with all of the adorable kids and help provide them with a BBQ and many fun games. I always love the times when we do this because I am reminded that our prayers, love and service are directly affecting actual people. I saw God in each and every person, be they the kids or their families, or all of the leaders and participants of this trip. Every genuine smile and interaction was so beautiful because it was so full of love and joy. Watching some of the Sacred Heart youth so readily and joyfully interact with the kids and the camp was so wonderful because I could just see the genuine compassion they have in their hearts for this population. Even watching one of the young adults allow a small group of kids to chase him around the yard for nearly twenty minutes--until he collapsed nearly breathless on the ground shows that beautiful connection rooted in Christ.

Also, it was so awesome to have TEN Agape Directors, both past and present, there with us today--a testament to the continued love and devotion to the program. These people so willingly give up their time year after year to support this experience, both for the youth that participate and the families we are serving. They form long-lasting relationships with the families and continue to return year after year to reconnect and provide support. They have helped build up this program and help it to touch the lives of so many people in the migrant community. They are proof that a humble service project that was created and ran by one person nearly ten years ago can truly make great changes in a community.

I am so grateful to experience this project for the second time. I love what Agape does and what it stands for. It is so incredibly important to remember the God has created each and every one of us in His image and likeness, and that dignity is the basis for our human experience. These past three days have reminded me of the important things in life and that we all have the ability to help make a change. And above all, always remember to show God's pure Agape love to everyone you encounter.

Many Blessings,

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