Sunday, July 14, 2019

Week 4: St. John the Baptist - Sunday

Arriving at AGAPE, our St. John's group came with excitement. We did not know exactly what to expect, but we were all welcomed with the friendly staff. We unloaded our personal belongings from the cars, as well as the donations. There were plenty of donations, from toys, clothes, and useful items that we all dropped off in the storage. Afterwards, we all met in the parish hall, and got the chance to get comfortable and meet one another. We formed small groups, and had bonding activities in which this helped us all get to know each other. We all jumped into prayer, and had time to reflect upon it. As of the first day, it was already an enjoyable experience, and I am personally looking forward to spending the next five days with this amazing group of people and staff.

-  Zach Ziska

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