Today we started off with a simulation where we put ourselves in the migrants shoes, where we went through a series of situations to learn what that migrants go through. The first situation was we all were with our "family" harvesting beans one by one, learning the difficulties they go through just to feed their families. In this part of the simulation our goal was to hopefully pick enough beans to get to the border city where we would hopefully get a job and be able to eventually reach the United States. After that we went to play with the migrant children where we did crafts and enjoyed playing several games including dodge ball, and afterwards, tabling at several grocery stores in hopes to receive many donations for the migrant food bank.

Overall, the experience was a great start to an epic week of service. We got a glimpse of struggle through the simulation, informing us of the lives of the people that we were gathering food for, while also having tons of fun with the children. While the simulation and the food collecting were incredibly frustrating, it was an eye open experience for most of us, and we're excited to see what's in store for us tomorrow.
Tabling at the grocery store today was an immense success! We were able to raise about $240 in monetary donations that will go directly to buying food staples for the food bank and we also got A LOT of food donations! Thank you all for your support and check back here Wednesday to see how many families we served!
-Agape Staff
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