Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 3: Mary Queen of Peace and Sacred Heart Enumclaw- Wednesday

Hello Upper Eastsiders,

Today MQP and Sacred Heart had the privilege to run a food bank for the migrant farm workers. Although, this morning we were struck with devastating news that affected half our staff, but we put our best foot forward and continued our service. Throughout our service we were able to give food, clothes, toys, and other necessities to the families and brighten their day. We were able to serve over 80 families! Overall it was a very rewarding experience for us. We also had lots of fun in the process. One of our Agape leaders was able to combine the popular Cup Song from Pitch Perfect with a lot of classic Disney songs, such as "In the Jungle" and "Kiss the Girl". We also got to try a delicious traditional Mexican drink called horchata made by Manuel, a long time friend of the Agape staff. At the end of the day, we felt very accomplished and nourished by our service.


Today when we worked at the food bank there were a few individual who stuck out to us. One was a 13-14 year old girl accompanied by a 6 year old girl and a baby, we immediately assumed that they were her sisters. However after talking to her we figured out that these two girls were her daughters. This discovery took us by surprise and made us realize how difficult their life's are and how they are forced to mature at a really young age. This experience made us appreciate all the opportunities we have without having to stress about taking care of a kid.
~Nicole and Kyndra from Sacred Heart


  1. "this morning we were struck with devastating news that affected half our staff" ???? Please share more information if you can. We are keeping the staff and all volunteers in our prayers. God bless you and we look forward to seeing you back soon.
    - Carlos C.

    1. Hi all - this is Kathi Rowley from MQP - The devastating news is that a young woman - Meagan Smith who was a student at Western, heavily involved in the Newman Center and on the Core Team at Sacred Heart in Bellingham was murdered yesterday while housesitting in Renton. She is well known by many of the staff of Agape. Please join me in praying for Meagan's family and friends. All of our young people are safe and sound and having a wonderful time.
      Kathi Rowley - Pastoral Assistant for Stewardship MQP

    2. Thank you for the information Kathy
      You have given me piece of mind
      They will be in our prayers
      -Carlos C.
