Today was celebration day! A fun-filled day with joyful smiles seen on the faces of everyone. The joy of jesus was a clear and present force among both the agape servers and among all the migrant children. We all had a memorable time as we danced, sang, and played all day long. Though it was great to see us all have a memorable time this week, the greater gift was seeing others and myself selflessly serve people in need. Also great, was the mutual exchange we experienced while spending time with the migrant workers and their children: we served them with food and in return they shared with us their joy and grateful positive attitudes which, I ensure all of us learned from. Though they have little, it seems that less is more for they had the most positive and praising attitudes I have ever witnessed. I'm eagerly excited to share my newly-found happiness with all I encounter from this day forth. My love of service blossomed and never have I been more open to letting jesus in my life, giving him more control than I would have ever imagined. It pleases me to say that I'm sure many others have also experienced this same feeling I have. Today marks a pivitol time in the well-being of myself and many others. Much is to be taken from the Agape service project.
-Richard B
Sunday, July 8; the day we arrived at Agape I set a goal to befriend one of the migrant children. Tuesday and today July 10th and 12th; I befriended one of the girls from the migrant camp. Her name is Marissa. She will be the reason I come back in summer of 2013. I'm very excited. Today is what we called celebration day. It was a great day. I'm glad I came to Agape because I let Jesus more into my heart and prayed to Him each night before bed to help me wake up with a smile on my face. I was so glad to have had Him with me in my heart this week and I kept a positive attitude all day. When I was feeling upset or angry, He helped me to smile. We had a barbeque and all the kids had a great time! Playing volleyball, soccer, dodgeball and even just chatting with the girls about how they spend their day. We painted nails with the kids and even most of their mothers came to get their nails painted. The day ended in such great terms. But, ended also on sad terms because we left our new beloved friends behind. I will miss my new friend, Marissa, so much. I'm so glad everyone was so positive and not complaining. It just made the day so much more fun. We had fun because instead of thinking of ourselves we thought of the kids and how much they enjoyed being with us, playing sports, painting each others nails, and just chatting amongst ourselves. I trusted in Him to help me have a good time and He really did help me! I'm so glad I came. I love the Agape Service Project. I can't wait for next year.
-Hannah L
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