Today has been an amazing day. We've done a lot throughout this past week, working with our fellow peers to do tasks that we were challenged to do. Us as a group are fantastic, we have been able to work with each other and do great things that make us a great team. That isn't what astounds me. What astounds me is the people that we serve. The people that we have been meeting and serving this week are amazing, for they are the ones who I have seen Jesus shine through the most. Today was a great followup to the day that we had yesterday. Yesterday, as you read, was Migrant Immersion day. Today, we brought the food that we collected on Monday (and then some) and brought it to Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden, and put on a Food Bank. I'm not sure if we should call it a Food Bank though, because people aren't coming in and 'withdrawing' food, but they are taking it as a gift from us to them. THIS is what astounded me today. People would come and they wanted to be served, but this is not a bad thing, they are coming to the realization that what they need is help, and they are asking for us to give it to them, and we are GLADLY giving it to them, so then they may be able to feed their kids with confidence, and sleep with a sense of security, that they know that there will be dinner tomorrow. This is a great thing, that we are able to give them security and confidence. People go through the line, and you can see the smiles on their faces, and the love in their eyes, and the Holy Spirit in their hearts, and it has given some people epiphanies, because some of these migrant farm workers are happier than ourselves, even though we are the ones who can feed ourselves every single day and don't worry about anything that we may need for the next day, they are worrying about that, but they still may seem like the happiest people that you may know. While we are helping out putting on the Food Drive, people are laughing, we are having fun, and we are (attempting) to speak to the people going through in Spanish. As we are speaking to people in Spanish, sometimes people are saying gracias (thank you), other times igualmente (you too/also), but then there is that one time when you are starting to get cocky, and then you say ¡Tengo un buen dia! which means I have a good day, rather than you have a good day, and they stare at you blindly, and you don't know what's wrong. At first I thought there was something wrong with the way I looked, but then I later realized that I was saying it wrong. After I realized what I was doing, and I reflected upon what happened today, I realized that even though I was telling people to have a good day, and then, on occasion, telling them that I was having a good day, that I really was having a good day, and that it was good for them to know that, because there is that occasional person who asks if we are being forced to do this, when really we are doing this without being forced, doing it through our own free will. (I guess that means that my Spanish not being totally up to par is not too bad :) Today we did a lot of things that were not only beneficial to us, but also the farm workers. Today has been a great day, I really have had a wonderful day today! So, just thing to yourself, did you have a good day today, what could you have done better, what can you do better tomorrow? Just think about that, spend some time with God, and please, PLEASE, ¡Tenga un buen dia!
-Alex C.
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