Friday, June 27, 2014

Food Bank Day!

Yesterday was the AGAPE Food Bank. We woke up at a reasonable but early time, gobbled down breakfast, and started an assembly line. It spanned from the basement of the church, down a long driveway, and into a large rental truck that seemed infinitely big. As the food was being loaded the truck, it looked more like a Mini Car stuffed with cereal. Once we finished, it was off to the field that would then be turned into a glorious super store for the migrant farm workers. We set it all up in a hour or two but only seemed like 10 minutes. We again shoved lunch down our throats so we could start serving. It started out boring and super not fun but as the minutes past, joyful smiles were erupting. One family I served was a woman with the trail of adorable kids following with their very own food boxes. When the family finished I saw their faces light up. The kids dropped their food in the car and then sprinted to the toy section so they could each get one better than their siblings. As for the mother and older kids slowly walked over to the large clothing area. By the end of their time at the food bank, they had all found something that was their new favorite article of clothing or toy. I felt so honored to be able to help the family with simple needs that were so important. Finishing off the day was a huge accomplishment for me, I could feel the love coming from all around me!

-Lizzy N.

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