Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Week 2: St. Catherine of Siena- Wednesday

Hey babes,

So, as you know, today was Wednesday. In previous days we have collected food for the food bank today. We spent most of our day there, either working to set it up or running it, and of course cleaning up. It was really moving and satisfying seeing the many people and families who we served. We served a total of eighty- three families from 2:00 to 5:00. We saw many people who we handed out flyers to on previous days and many from Sunrise Migrant Camp. This was a good opportunity for many of us to practice our Spanish and to connect to the migrants by talking to them in their own language. Today was also Ana's birthday! We were surprised at dinner by a cake for everyone. We miss you at home and love you very much. Also! Anton made a deal to dab (a dance move) for us by the end of the mission trip! 


Ana and Clara (Queen A and Queen C) 

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