Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 1: Forest Ridge and Christ the King- Monday

Hi Families,
Today was a fun filled and amazing day! First, in the morning, we woke up and had some breakfast. Then we sat in our circle and disussed our day. Then, we split into our groups and we went to different grocery stores to collect donated food for the migrant farm workers. After two to three hours we left and came back to Sacred Heart Parish to have lunch. After lunch we went to the Sunrise Migrant Camp where we played with the kids. We couldn't believe the energy and brightness on their faces. They had such bright smiles and we were really amazed about how quickly we all became friends. These kids were very brave from hitting a head in soccer to sliding down a very scary slide! The sweet kids had such good manners and they were very respectful. We were all very sad that we had to leave, but we were very excited that we get to see them again tomorrow. Later, we came back to the Parish and we enjoyed a fun immigration stimulation. We got to learn how the immigrants came to America and we also learned how hard and frustrated it was. We all thought that it was a lot of work. But we all knew that these things all happen in real life. After the simulation we watched a video of how immigrants come to America and the dangers in the way. We are very excited for what is coming up these next 3 days.
Bahar, Lucy, and Vicky

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