Monday, August 5, 2013

Saint Josephs - Day 2

The day started off with a "healthy" breakfast followed by morning prayer and then we proceeded to get on the bus to drive to a residential neighborhood where we collected food from the residents to support the food bank for the migrant workers. The reactions ranged from enthusiastic to "get off my lawn!". After about an hour of collecting food we proceeded to come back and eat a nice  lunch of sandwiches. After lunch we hopped on the bus and went to the migrant camp and played with all the cute children. It was funny how much they warm up to you after a smile. After an hour of playing we sadly said goodbye to the children, and the returned. Upon returning to our lodgings, we had free time. We came up for dinner only to have us divide to groups according to random card color. Upon entering the dinning room we found out that color cards were for our seating. The options were a ragged blue tarp with rice on the floor, a decent table with a pot of soup and bread to a nice lace table cloth with fancy 3 course meal. After the Hunger Banquet, we sat in a circle and talked about dinner and what it meant in relation to the world and also about people living in lower class, middle class, and upper class environments. After that we divided into small groups and answered reflective questions about the day, and now we are are writing this blog post which you are currently reading.

Diana and Olivia

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