After breakfast, we started our food drive, walking around in the rain, collecting food from local houses. I think my favorite donation was the box with tea bags in it. (Good thing we had no hot water, or the food bank wouldn't have gotten any.) We also got a box of Grape-Nuts, which apparently are neither, as they are actually cereal. Following lunch, which sadly lacked tea, we went to various grocery stores, where we handed out slips of paper with items the food bank needs to people, so they can buy something to donate if they want. I was outside the Fairhaven Haggens. We filled two carts with food from people, with lots and lots and lots and lots of cans, tortillas, and cereal. I think there must be something extremely satisfactory about buying cereal, because that's what a lot of people did. Then we came back to the Sacred Heart Hall for dinner. We each got a pink, yellow, or blue card, which told us which table to sit at. The people with pink cards, including me, sat on a tarp where we ate tortillas and rice. Why some people complained I don't know. Meanwhile, the people with the yellow card sat at a simple table and ate soup. According to some it was extremely watery. The blue card people proceeded to sit at a table by the window with a fancy tablecloth, surrounding potted plants, and a roaring fire from YouTube. They got a three-course meal with servants, salad, spaghetti, and cheesecake. (No, they didn't eat the servants, though the sentence may have sounded like that. Sorry!) The purpose of this was to demonstrate different types of classes from poor, undeveloped third world countries, middle-class second world, kinda developed, and the rich, very developed first world countries. Afterwards we prayed "A Prayer For Those Who Have Too Much". The CST (Catholic Social Teaching) today was "Rights and Responsibilities". Today was extremely fun!!!! Thanks, Agape Service Project!
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