Outline of stuff of us that we did:
Cashed AND carried
Set up
Rapping egges Insert deep things about food bank
Riddles joke
Today began with our usual morning routine. We begrudgingly woke, got dressed, and ate. Unlike the prior mornings this week, today our meal and morning prayer were followed, after a one hour pause, by Mass. Mass was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of the day. We enjoyed an hour in solidarity with each other and God, getting to spend a few important quiet moments with Him. After this most needed repose, the day was on! Work, as always, followed our respite. Ryan and I, along with our car group, began with going to cash and carry to collect fresh foodstuffs for the food bank later in the day. After heaving massive bags of potatoes, carrots, and all manner of necessities for a successful thingamajig, we hauled them off to the car, and drove to our next destination- the Food Bank, at last. Piles of donations were strewn out across the trampled grass, and we, unfortunately, had to sort and move them to the semicircle of tables for later distribution. We particularly remember a little boy who gladly gave us a hand out of the kindness of his heart as he waited for food. We finished our preparations by individually wrapping eggs, preparing packets of flower and sugar, and bottling cooking oil. Finally, the bank began. We passed out a variety of commodities with our broken Spanish (I found out that I had been saying "one cereal thing" instead of "you may have one box) and we passed the time during breaks with riddles. A real highlight of the day was seeing the wide smiles of the children's faces as they played with their new toys and ran throughout the grass. Our day ended with closing up, and a real sense of accomplishment. We all agree, this is why we were here.
-Calvin and Ryan
Food Bank Day! Thank you so much for all your donations, and for everyone's hard work! We served 97 families today! We are both excited and sad that next week will be our final food bank for the year, but...we will have back packs!
~The Agape Staff