St. Joseph, Day 3, Tuesday, August 4th
Today, the St. Joe's Agape group split into two groups to conquer two different farms. One, the Breckenridge Blueberry Farm, where the group helped weeding and washing delivery trays. On the other farm, Bellingham Country Gardens, the group harvested roughly 60 potatoes as well as many other tasks such as pulling weeds and harvesting carrots and strawberries. Both groups had a pleasant time at both farms, talking and engaging in various shenanigans. (Including the massive blueberry throwing contest from crops that fell on the ground.) While my friends are leaning on me and commenting on my satisfactory typing ability, I am getting quite irritated by my fellow campers, who are "helping" me write this blog. Indeed, while five hours were spent on the farms, we spent the rest of the day playing with the children at Sunrise Migrant Camp, taking a shower at the local YMCA, and learning how to budget money at a "Grocery Outlet: Bargain Market." Together, with out assigned families, we cooked our meals, however nasty they were, and partook in the evening activities, which included journaling, and playing Telephone: a game that that took a humorous turn every time we played. To end the day, we will have some free time to hang around, play games, socialize, and finish our leftovers from our homemade dinners.
Live long and prosper,